
Old City Tour

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The history of the capital of Azerbaijan – Baku – goes back to ancient times, although the exact date of its establishment is still unknown. The territory of the Absheron Peninsula, where the city is located, has a favorable geographical position, a convenient bay, a warm, dry climate, fertile soil, natural resources, so the emergence of the ancient settlements here was quite natural.
Baku, its oil, its “burning earth” have been known far beyond its borders since ancient times.
The written sources of Middle Ages’ mentioning Baku invariably refer to “eternal flames” that were burning in Baku’s surroundings.
City tour begins with a visit to the Upland Park.
Upland Park is located on a hill in the western part of the city. This is the best place to see the city and the Baku Bay. Later the tour proceeds along the waterfront promenade and a visit to the Old City which is also a fortress.
A number of the Soviet-time movies were shot here. Tourists will see the main attractions of the Old City, including the Palace of the Shirvan Shahs (XV cent), the symbol of the city – Maiden Tower (IX cent), Karvansarays, mosques etc.
Old Town walls, preserved till nowadays, narrow, cobbled streets and numerous labyrinths show full flavor and historical value of Baku and its citizens.

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Old City Tour $ 0 $ 0 0 Anytime

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