
Etnographic Tour to Qala

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Ethnographic Open-Air Museum “Gala” is about a 40-minute drive from Baku. The museum is created on an archaeological site.
The village is five thousand years, nevertheless there are still some neighborhoods that have survived to the present day.
During the tour you will get acquainted with the ancient dwellings, with the life of that time, traditions, with methods of farming.
Participants will be told about the way of living of people who lived here many centuries ago, you will see the real objects of that time. But the most important thing is that visitors have the opportunity to plunge into the ancient life. In this museum visitors bake real bread cakes, sit at a loom or smear in clay, trying themselves at the potter’s wheel.
In the territory of the reserve Samovar Museum was set up.
The museum exposition is enriched with 156 samovars of different sizes. Most samovars are related to XVIII-XIX centuries.


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Tour Name Price Per Adult Price Per Child Available Seats Departure Date Duration
Etnographic Tour to Qala $ 0 $ 0 0 Anytime

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Total $ 0

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